Monday, January 9, 2012

Second Mondays

The first Monday of  2012 consisted of what I term a "Meeting Monday." Attending a staff writer's meeting is the morning event of the first Monday of each month. Afternoons and evenings on these days are most often used for my meeting with those to be interviewed, then additional research and follow up on new ideas and/or new or previous writing assignments. A full day, so no  post occured here to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year. For 2012, those are my wishes for you and all folks on the Second Monday of the New Year.

Second Mondays in future blog posts will be reserved for reviews of articles. books, and/or blogs recently found to be helpful in enhancing and expanding my creativity.  If you schedule time to investigate these reccommendations, perhaps you will experience the enhancement and expansion of your own creativity,

The first of the above wishes, is "Happy."  Today the suggestion is that you take some time in the next week to consider exactly what that word means to you. What constitutes your sense or feelings of being  happy? How do you define happiness? What will it take to make this a Happy Year for you? Of course this requires us to think! Trust that your brain will be happy with the exercise. Next, write your insights down. Think about them some more, and then take some action in the direction of what "Happy" is for you. Sounds simple. It is. Like Nike says, "Just Do It."

"Healthy and Prosperous" will both be adressed in future blog posts. Do you have goals relating to your health and/or prosperity for this year? Are these goals  written down? Have you set specific dates for accomplishing them? What action will you take to assure you reach your goals in these areas?

As professional writers or wanna-be's, we know or ought to know, about the importance of goal-setting to activate our success quotient. Any goal must be in writing, have our intention to commit to it, a date/time set for it to be accomplished, and then consistent action taken in the direction of each goal to demonstrate the seriousness of the stated, written committment.  That being said, a subset of this worthwhile agenda may involve several other items designed  to assist you in achieving your goals. such as creating mind maps, vision boards, using creative visualization techniques, meditation, and if you are so inclined, prayer.

 It may also involve other people. In the latter instance, it is now known that if your share your goals with other supportive people, you are more likely to attain them. Make note of the word supportive because it is vital to your success. Share your most important writing goals with your writer's group, a critique buddy, or a supportive friend. You may wish to consider sharing your writing goals by posting them as a comment on this blog. Your positive goals will be acknowledged and supported here.

Also, it is not too late to join in the writer's exercise ROW80. It involves sharing  your writing goals with other writers, and writing about in on your blog. (Yes, you must have one.) ROW80 is realistic and keeps in mind that you have other things to accomplish in your life every day. Find out more about this and how to begin at ROW80 or on Jenny Hansens's  informative blog, COWBELL.

That's all for today's Second Monday. As the Mayan people say when bidding someone farewell until the next time, "Cheb'i," which when translated means "Take it slow!"

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